A rerun of the CoomaBLITZ in our GSR format, without the icy weather!
The Route
For the last 2 years the RiderRoute has been mostly the same, with 2 sections left out due to on going damage and sink holes, you might remember seeing the one that almost swallowed the CRF1100 on last years pre-ride.
We now have 3 alternatives depending on the weather and any closures that may occur, if any changes are needed during the ride, it's as easy as switching to the supplied bypass track for one of the sections.

Saturday 18th Nov, 2023
Start location: Nowra Motorcycles, 182 Princes Hwy, South Nowra NSW 2541
Briefing: 7:30am, depart as soon as you're ready.
Lunch: Lunch stops available on the route.
Finish: Cooma.
Accomodation: Book your own in Cooma, some options listed below.
Kms: Approx 390kms
Sunday 19th Nov, 2023
Start location: Details provided in files.
Briefing: 7:30am, depart as soon as you're ready.
Lunch: Lunch stops available on the route.
Finish: Choose to end your day at Batemans Bay or Milton.
Kms: Batemans 256kms or Milton 340kms
If you're staying at Batemans, you could still finish at Milton, it's a 60km ride back.
Prices: $240.00
Fuel: You'll need a range of 200km.
Other costs: you pay for your own meals, accom and fuel.
Please Note:
This is a GPS navigation ride, you'll need to have a GPS or Phone with a Navigation app. If you're new to navigation rides and need some help deciding on what to use, please contact us, we're here to help.
We provide a quality RiderRoute in .gpx format for your navigation device, and sweep rider to assist with any difficulties along the way.
There is no support vehicle/recovery trailer or luggage transport on this GSR Ride.
Please read the rider information pages
Updates and track files will be sent to your registered email starting from one week prior to event date, or if you're running an app, we can transfer it to you anytime prior to setting off.
Any final instructions will be provided during the morning briefing.
There's plenty of accomodation options in Cooma for Saturday night, here's just a few.
Alpine Hotel.
Ph: 02 6452 1466
Website: https://alpinehotel.com.au
Redhill Cooma Motor Inn.
Ph: 02 6452 1366
Website: https://www.coomamotorinn.com.au
Cooma High Country Motel.
Ph: 02 6452 1111
Snow Season Motor Inn.
Ph: 02 6452 1133
Website: https://www.snowseasonmotorinn.com
Swiss Motel.
Ph: 02 6452 1950
Website: https://www.theswissmotel.com.au
Snowy Mountains Tourist Park.
Ph: 02 6452 1828
Website: https://www.coomatouristpark.com.au
YourRide YourWay with our GSR Rides and RiderRoutes
Fully organised tours might not be your thing, maybe you're self sufficient and looking for rides without the extras, then this cost friendly and lightweight GSR Ride format is the answer.
We provide the self guided GSR RiderRoute and on trail support rider(s) to help if needed.